Was David Petraeus’s Mistress an FBI operative?
November 13th, 2012Retired four-star General Petraeus stepped down as CIA director allegedly over an extramarital affair, but what if he’s simply fallen to victim to an age old tactic of the intelligence community. Using sex as leverage is practically standard operating procedure for the CIA and FBI. Recall that Anna Ardin, the woman who accused Wikileaks founder Julian Assange of rape, had numerous connections to the CIA. Consider that Craig Monteilh, the FBI informant sent into a California, was cleared to seduce Muslim women and use the recordings to coerce them into cooperating. Or, did you know that the FBI threatened to discredit Martin Luther King Jr. by releasing recordings of his extramarital affairs, which they had orchestrated, if he didn’t moderate his message.
So, let’s not pretend that the intelligence community is too ethically pure to use sex to get close to a subject. The only thing that would be unprecedented (as far as we know) if Petraeus’ mistress, Paula Broadwell, turned out to be an agent is that the tactic would be used on one of their own.
You have to admit that the timing Petraeus’s resignation is all too suspicious, right before he was scheduled to testify before Congress on the attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi that killed 3 CIA operatives in addition to Ambassador Chris Stevens. You also have to admit that Paula Broadwell being both his mistress and his biographer is a pretty convenient position for an undercover intelligence agent.
So, if there is a plot behind the auspicious timing of this scandal coming to light, it likely had something to do with Benghazi, specifically what the 3 CIA operatives who died were doing in Libya.
Consider this.
Let’s start with the understanding that the relationship between Petraeus and the Obama administration was already strained. During Petraeus’s Senate confirmation hearing he expressed his disagreement with Obama’s strategy telling Senator Carl Levin, “I would be a bit more qualified.” Many have criticized Petraeus that open disagreement with Obama’s decisions was bad for troop morale, and the perceived legitimacy of the Commander in Chief. So, Obama had the incentive to be keeping a close eye on him, and even planting an agent near him.
Next, in 2009 Obama stripped the CIA of its power to take prisoners and operate secret jails around the world, but that is precisely what they are accused of covering up in Benghazi. CIA spokesman Preston Golson said “any suggestion that the agency is still in the detention business is uninformed and baseless.” But details are coming to light now that the attack on the US Consulate was not motivated by a low budget antiMuslim YouTube video (big surprise) but an attempt by rebels to free prisoners the CIA was holding there. And who brought this accusation to light? None other than Paula Broadwell herself.
It gets even weirder when you consider that the State Department never requested backup for the Consulate, or that Lieutenant Colonel Anthony Shaffer now claims that Obama watched the attacks on a video freed from a drone flying over Benghazi.
Finally, consider that the official story, of the FBI investigating Broadwell and discovering the affair and the classified documents makes no sense whatsoever. The story is that Jill Kelley, a social liaison to MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa, Florida had received hostile emails from Broadwell accusing her of sleeping with Petraeus, which apparently wasn’t true. So, Kelley contacted the FBI who determined it was insufficient for a criminal charge, but conducted an investigation anyway that lead them straight to the Director of the CIA. Awfully convenient. How many angry emails accusing strangers of infidelity do you think the FBI investigates?
Given all this it seems entirely possible to me the revelation of the affair was a political hit on Petraeus by the FBI and the Obama Administration, and that Paula Broadwell was part of it.
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