Truckers Could Shut Down America
October 9th, 2013The funniest thing about the government shutdown is all the whining from Statists about stuff that can’t be done without the State, because usually the whole list is licenses and permits they won’t be issuing, but will still be enforcing. It’s comical. But if you want to see a shutdown that would really cripple this country, it’s the truckers. I can think of very few professions that are more essential, and less appreciated than truckers. They are like the circulatory system of the entire economy. Piss them off, and it could be very bad.
A coalition of independent liberty-loving truck drivers are planning a protest to clog DC Beltway traffic with slow moving trucks, and organize a nation wide trucker strike this weekend to express their frustration with the “lawlessness” of the sociocrats in Congress. Their press release reads, “It has become apparent that our elected officials will never respond to the will of the people as long as their greed wealth is not jeopardized.” They list their grievances, saying truckers are “strangled with regulations.” They are also calling for the arrest of members of Congress involved in the government shutdown.
You think some nonessential government busy bodies staying home from work is a big deal? Wait till the store shelves are empty. Truckers could grind commerce to a halt if they wanted. Pete Santilli, a radio host who has been serving as official spokesman for the protest, said “We’re looking for an Egypt moment, where 100 million people will get out on the street, get out on the roads and demand that our legislature follow the Constitution.”
The description on their says, “The American people are sick and tired of the corruption that is destroying America! We therefore declare a GENERAL STRIKE on the weekend of October 11-13, 2013! Truck drivers will not haul freight! Americans can strike in solidarity with truck drivers!”
Zeeda Andrews, one of the protest’s organizers said, “Truckers are concerned about their livelihood. According to Andrews, the Department of Transportation (DOT) is currently pushing a law that would require every trucker to have a tracking device in their vehicle. It would track mandatory breaks, idling time, and driving speed. Andrews warns the Feds “can see and hear everything. They can even control how fast the truckers are driving at all times. It’s the trucking nanny.”
The DOT is also trying to prohibit truckers from idling unless they keep a pet inside their vehicle, which would be enforced using the tracking devices, but would present a health hazard when it’s freezing gold, and truckers need to warm up their cabs.
Obamacare is also harming truckers, as many trucking companies are forced to reduce driver’s hours because they cannot afford the mandatory coverage for full time employees. Among the activists trucking-related complaints are a number of other unconstutional State behavior, including TSA officers being given “the right to commit crimes of sexual misconduct.”
So, I saw drive on truckers. Thank you for your service.
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