Rebel of the Week: Reason’s Radley Balko

September 22nd, 2010

Sometimes not all rebellious acts are done in a sensational fashion. Some rebellious acts can be done tactfully, with class, and just words of wisdom. Our friend from, Radley Balko did just that with a recent article posted on How to Record the Cops.

Anthony Graber, back in July, unintentionally put this civil liberties issue on the board with his run in with Maryland Law Enforcement.  Anthony was charged with illegal wiretapping because the headcam on his bike helmet just so happen to capture some ludicrous . The Maryland ACLU Staff Attorney David Rocah stated:

“It is hard to imagine anything more antithetical to a democracy than for the government to tell its citizens that they do not have the right to record what government officials say or do or how they behave.”

As it currently stands Massachusetts and Illinois are the only states where recording cops is strictly and “justly” enforced.  In those states, the best bet is to begin educating the public on the law and move towards repealing it.  Other states have nothing set in legal stone, so as much as cops harass those trying to document events, charges will most likely not stand in a court of law…for now.

Balko offers a plethora of options when it comes to as well as websites that are available to quickly upload material in order to protect its existence after possible confiscation.  He even gives some tips on how to recover media that may have been deleted.

This issue is very important and should be taken seriously.  More education on holding law enforcement officials accountable is vital to protecting citizen’s rights.  Many organizations exist just for that purpose, Balko lists a couple in his article, I added a couple as well:

  1. ACLU’s All Alert Project
  2. Flex Your Rights
  3. Law Enforcement Against Prohibition
  4. Cop Block

Keep yourself educated on your state, local, and federal laws in regard to recording public officials and cops.  Also, keep paying attention to people like Radley Balko who is a word-based Rebel doing the homework and making the establishment cringe for all of you Rebels on the streets.

13 Responses to Rebel of the Week: Reason’s Radley Balko

  1. Lonny Eachus says:

    Also, you “appeal” court cases. You “repeal” laws. Please don’t think I’m picking on you… I’m trying to be helpful.

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