Money Monday – My Experience Buying Gold and Silver Bullion Coins Last Week

July 2nd, 2012

Suiting action to words last week, I finally made a trip to a local coin store in my city to start my run on the global fiat banking system by letting their bad money drive the good money (gold and silver) into my new hoard of inflation proof value. I’m hoping that when the fiat money system crashes, everything will be so cheap for people who have gold and silver to spend that I can take a year off and ride motorcycles across South America. Or something awesome like that.

So on the big day, I rolled into this coin shop with a collection of numismatic coins (coins that have collector’s value because they are rare, or have interesting stories behind them) that I used to collect as a(n extremely nerdy) child. I wanted them to appraise the collector’s value of the coins, and then trade them in along with a stack of Federal Reserve notes for some gold and silver. I was happily surprised to learn what a couple of my coin sets were worth. I definitely got more for them than I hoped to expect. Then I kicked in my FRNs to buy some hard assets…

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Posted by: Wes

Treasure hunter finds hoard of 52,000 Roman coins

July 2nd, 2012

Whoa. When critics of sound money talk about “taking us back to the gold standard” like it’s a huge step backward into something archaic and crude, sound money advocate Texas Congressman Ron Paul likes to point out that even the ancient Romans inflated their currency. Inflation, fractional reserve banking, fiat currency– these aren’t modern inventions or ideas by any stretch. They’re the same old scams.

But apparently, storing away some precious metal as a hedge against currency devaluation isn’t a new idea either. I recently happened across this news story from 2010 that I had never heard before:

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Posted by: Wes

This Is Your Brain On Government: DEA Agent Won’t Say If Heroin Is Worse For Someone’s Health Than Marijuana

June 30th, 2012

This is absolutely priceless. Following a string of federal scandals involving the Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart attended a DEA Oversight Judiciary Subcommittee hearing to testify before Congress. In the video below, during a frank exchange with Rep. Jared Polis (D-CO), who was absolutely not going to let the DEA bureaucrat get away with filibustering, evading questions, or giving meaningless answers; Leonhart actually refused to say that heroin is worse for someone’s health than marijuana…

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Posted by: Wes

Happy Birthday to Stop-Motion Animation Pioneer, Ray Harryhausen

June 29th, 2012

What’s that? You’ve never heard of Ray Harryhausen? Well there’s a decent chance you’re already familiar with his work and don’t even know it. Have you seen Clash of the Titans? No, not the 2010 film. I’m talking about the 1981 film. Or maybe, like me you grew up fascinated by the epic battle scenes with sword fighting skelitons in the 1963 film Jason and the Argonauts. To an animation studio like us Ray Harryhausen is a true pioneer. Before CGI and the motion capture techniques we utilize in our animated film Silver Circle even existed Ray revolutionized model animation using realistic miniatures combined with live action footage.

Born June 29, 1920, this special effects master turns 92 today. So, we’d like to take a moment to acknowledge his lifelong contribution to movie magic.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Pop Friday – Screw Tibet: Hollywood Embraces China’s Censorship

June 29th, 2012


An interesting article over at yesterday:

‘Hollywood’s not “threatened” by “creeping Chinese Censorship.” Hollywood is an accomplice in allowing itself to be censored in exchange for money. The same Hollywood that has crybabied for going on six decades now over the 1950′s blacklist and all those years of self-censorship through the old production code, is now gleefully doing business with one of the worst human rights abusers in the world and willingly compromising its artistic vision…for cash.

Listen, I’m a strong believer in the idea that our[*] popular culture can open the eyes of those living under repression – that it can tell them a better way of life is possible when the human spirit is released to its full potential. Hollywood willingly censoring its product to satisfy a repressive government, however, is doing the exact opposite of that.

They’re in business with the bad guys and should be ashamed of themselves.’

It’s like every passing year I have less and less reason to like Hollywood. Between SOPA, ACTA, and then stories like this, it’s disheartening to see powerful elements within such a shining cultural community in human history playing the part of the bad guy and the entrenched, unscrupulous, rent-seeking establishment.

Related is a previous article here entitled, “Why Independent Films Are Better Than Hollywood Films.” This is just another way Hollywood studios act like the big corporations they are.

*I like this quote except for the use of the word “our” here which smacks of jingoistic nationalism.

And don’t forget to visit our official website to learn more about the Silver Circle Movie:

Posted by: Wes

Rebel of the Week: BoyScout399, the Open Carry Activist Who Brow Beat a Cop with the Law

June 27th, 2012

We don’t know this Rebel’s name because he boldly refused to provide it when asked repeatedly by Portland PD officer J McDonald while being detained without suspicion of any actual crime. The police report simply calls him “Pedestrian” but we know him by his YouTube Channel.

On May 26, 2012 Portland PD claims they received complaints from a number of busy bodies who are apparently afraid of inanimate objects, in this case a pistol BoyScout399 was legally open carrying. In the video he claims the officer is in violation US v DeBerry for stopping him for legally carrying a firearm, Delaware v Prouse for detaining him without suspicion, Terry v Ohio for seizing his weapon, and Hiibel v Nevada for demanding his ID without reasonable suspicion. I’ll leave all that to the lawyers. The real story is the guts of this guy who stood his ground until this thug backed down. Check out the video.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

#TinfoilTuesday – Fast and Furious might have been a political operation to push for gun control

June 26th, 2012

Sunday on This Week, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) had a conspiracy theory to share. He told Jake Tapper that he thinks the botched “Fast and Furious” Operation (which he is investigating as House Oversight chair) could have been a politically-motivated and intentionally-botched “inside job” by the Obama DOJ for the purpose of increasing gun violence to create a climate favorable to stricter gun control legislation!

Can you imagine that? This is the Chair of the US House Oversight Committee on national television speculating about an inside job by a corrupt government that got its own innocent citizens and those of other countries killed as collateral damage in the web of its nefarious designs. This is not some raving, incoherent screed on a random web page written in all capital letters with tons of misspellings– this is coming from the top! The very government official heading up the investigation of the DOJ for Fast and Furious smells a rat, suspects that this could all be part of a plan to strengthen gun control measures against the American people.

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Posted by: Wes

Money Monday: New Avengers Comic Teaches “Financial Literacy”

June 25th, 2012

Here at Silver Circle we’re producing an independent film, and an accompanying independent web comic in part as an educational tool to expose young readers to the concepts of independent currency, and declaring independence from central banking. I suppose we should not be surprised to see a mainstream comic company using mainstream super heroes to teach kids about mainstream banking. Because that’s exactly what’s happening.

We’ve already seen that Marvel is on the wrong side of the humanity of mutants, petitioning the government to classify their own mutant characters as non-human. But now it seems Marvel Entertainment, in collaboration with Visa, has released a web comic titled “Saving the Day” featuring Spider-Man and the Avengers to teach kids about banking and other financial instruments.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

The Zoe Taylor Award presented to Meg McLain for Exceptional Courage, Principle and Virtue in Female Liberty Activism

June 22nd, 2012

For weeks now we’ve been accepting nominations for the first ever Zoe Taylor Award for exceptional courage, principle and virtue in female liberty activism, and we were overwhelmed with the responses. The award was presented before our first screening of the Silver Circle Movie yesterday at the Porcupine Freedom Festival. We recognized all the incredible women who were nominated (You can see the full list here), but in the end we decided to celebrate the passionate badass who most reminded us of Zoe Taylor, the lead heroine in our thriller-romance.

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Posted by: Davi Barker

Pop Friday: Back To The Future in Chronological Order!

June 22nd, 2012

I am, as we speak, seeing something I’ve waited 10 years to see. Back To The Future in chronological order! Call it a triumph of the information age. Ever since I was a child, and I first learned that video could be rearranged I have wanted to see this, but I just never found the time to learn to do it myself.

People who have known me for a long time know that, being from California, I started my odyssey into liberty as a default socialist. I only became market friendly through a process of study and contemplation. But the last pieces of that transition (dare I call it a healing process) have been deeper than mere mental postures. They have been overcoming learned behaviors that reflect values I no longer hold. For example I’ve been struggling with an irrational aversion to hiring someone to do something I could potentially figure out how to do myself. In other words, I have a bad habit of ignoring the power of division of labor.

With that in mind, I went to Facebook and posted, “Is there someone out there who is video editing savvy who can give me a quote to splice all the Back To The Future movies together so the scenes are in chronological order? I’d like to buy that DVD. This is a serious inquiry.”

Keene activist, Sovereign Curtis suggested videographer Beau Davis from Shire Free Press, and Beau offered me an initial quote of $100 for the project. What a deal! Can you imagine! I have this highly unusual request and for only slightly more than the box set of Back To The Future movies I can hire a person who possesses the expertise that I never acquired. To me it seemed a miracle of the market place. But moments later New Hampshire State Rep Seth Cohn tipped me off that it had already been done, and I could download it from The Pirate Bay.

I am ecstatic! So, this Pop Friday I would like to offer a review of the Chronological Back To The Future. But to make it more fun for me, and hopefully for you, I’m going to suspend my memory of the previous films and attempt to see it anew, as if for the first time.

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Posted by: Davi Barker