Tag Archives: 9/11 Truth

Luke’s Change: The Death Star was an inside job

Posted on by Davi Barker

Ok, so we’re going to get a little satirical this Tinfoil Tuesday, but this is too good not to share. A video has surfaced poking fun at we few fringe conspiracy theorists called “Luke’s Change.” In case it isn’t painfully obvious … Continue reading

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Something fishy about Alex Jones Piers Morgan clash

Posted on by Davi Barker

The “We The People” page on WhiteHouse.gov made headlines after all 50 states had petitions to peacefully secede from the Union. Counter petitions appeared calling to deport those who had signed the secession petitions. Since then the “service” has been used … Continue reading

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Tinfoil Tuesday: A Tinfoil Twofer from Conspiracy Con

Posted on by Davi Barker

Buckle up because we’ve got a tinfoil twofer this week. Over the weekend I attended the 12th annual Conspiracy Con in Santa Clara, CA and had the opportunity to hear some of the strangest speakers. I gave you a teaser … Continue reading

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9/11 Truth at Conspiracy Con

Posted on by Davi Barker

Today is the first day of the 12th annual Conspiracy Convention taking place at the Marriott Hotel in Santa Clara, CA. Truth-seekers and freedom-fighters abound to hear what’s been plugged as the “most controversial speakers in the world.” You can … Continue reading

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