Tag Archives: facebook

An Open Letter to Facebook about Censorship

Posted on by Davi Barker

Dear Facebook, A headline recently crossed my desk that you had suspended the account of Infowars.com host Alex Jones, along with at least 18 other individuals in the alternative media loosely affiliated with Infowars within the same 24 hours. Is this true? Luke … Continue reading

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Silver Circle Breaks 15,000 Facebook Likes!

Posted on by Davi Barker

On Friday, August 10, our Facebook fan page dedicated to promoting the imminent release of our upcoming film, Silver Circle earned its 15,000th Facebook Like! Since the page was created in January, 2010 it’s been used to make announcements of important … Continue reading

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Google Founder: Web freedom faces greatest threat ever

Posted on by Wes

From The Guardian: The principles of openness and universal access that underpinned the creation of the internet three decades ago are under greater threat than ever, according to Google co-founder Sergey Brin. In an interview with the Guardian, Brin warned … Continue reading

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Script Update & Facebook Fan Page

Posted on by megan

We’re expecting to have the 2nd draft of our script within the next few days! This draft will be VERY close to the final, so we’ve now invited a few select people outside the company to read it. We need … Continue reading

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