Tag Archives: sound money

‘Silver Circle’ Debuts Today on iTunes, Video on Demand Platforms

Posted on by Barry Donegan

We interrupt this week’s regularly scheduled Money Monday feature with the biggest news of the summer: Silver Circle is now available on iTunes and more! You are now free to watch the film online and live vicariously through the trials … Continue reading

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Silver Circle Supporters: Join the Rotten Tomatoes Review Campaign

Posted on by Barry Donegan

Silver Circle is more than just thrills and excitement. When viewers immerse themselves in the plight of Zoe and the rebels as they fight back against wicked Fed Chairman Victor Brandt, they’re also learning first-hand the potential dangers of an … Continue reading

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Flashback to ’12: Ron Paul Lectures Ben Bernanke with Silver Circle Coin

Posted on by Barry Donegan

The Silver Circle team members are huge fans of Congressman Ron Paul, arguably one of the greatest defenders of freedom in modern times. The good doctor waged a one-man, thirty-plus-year ideological war against the Federal Reserve system from his perch … Continue reading

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Money Monday: Growing a Better Economy with Sound Money by Ron Helwig

Posted on by Davi Barker

We’re going to mix things up this week for Money Monday with a guest post from Ron Helwig from Shire Silver. I caught up with Ron at Liberty Forum 2012 after he presented on the Agorist panel and he told … Continue reading

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Top 100 Sound Money and Precious Metals Blogs and Websites

Posted on by Wes

I am proud to finally published our first completed draft of the Top 100 Sound Money and Precious Metals Blogs and Websites! These are in absolutely NO particular order and this list is not intended as a ranking of these … Continue reading

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Why EVERY Special Interest Group There Is Should Support Sound Money (Except for Central Bankers, of course)

Posted on by Wes

Why does coercive, fiat, central banking still even exist? There’s absolutely no special interest group outside of the central bankers and their direct beneficiaries (an elite and powerful group, but definitely a minority of human beings on this planet) whose … Continue reading

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Personal Finance Tips From One of The Liberty Movement’s Leading Financial Advisers

Posted on by Wes

Jeff Berwick, the author of a financial newsletter for free market and sound money advocates called The Dollar Vigilante, has really made a splash lately in the world of libertarian financial and economic commentary and investment advice, especially with the … Continue reading

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Jon Stewart BASHES The Federal Reserve and Ben Bernanke on The Daily Show

Posted on by Wes

“Just admit it Bernanke! You’re a guy with a beard who’s allowed to print money.” In a hilarious segment on the The Daily Show, Jon Stewart takes on the Federal Reserve, quantitative easing, and hyperinflation. Seriously. This what it would … Continue reading

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The Revolution is Happening in Utah

Posted on by Wes

This is old news, but it’s worth repeating for those of you who don’t know it. The truth is, the revolution has already started– in Utah: FARR WEST, Utah — Most people who amass the pure gold and silver coins … Continue reading

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10 Awesome Examples of Dollar Art

Posted on by Wes

These 10 awesome examples of dollar art– art performed on actual U.S. Federal Reserve notes with ink (or in the last two examples, laser cut etchings by a tattoo artist on a stack of one dollar bills)– appealed to our … Continue reading

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