Tag Archives: Tea Party

‘Audit This’: NFL Lineman Mathis Relieves Himself on IRS Office

Posted on by Barry Donegan

Americans are rightly frustrated with the IRS. Lawmakers have crafted the most obscure, complex, difficult-to-understand tax code possible, and citizens often find themselves facing steep tax debts after misunderstanding the filing process. Meanwhile, the IRS itself has been consumed by … Continue reading

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Scandal: DOJ Caught Spying on AP Reporters, Tea Party Gets Audited

Posted on by Barry Donegan

This has been a rough week for the Obama administration. After new revelations emerged regarding the Benghazi disaster, additional scandals burst forth in a sudden cluster. First off, the IRS just admitted to discriminating against conservative and Tea Party oriented … Continue reading

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Romney Pisses Off Obamaniacs that Weren’t Voting for him Anyway

Posted on by Davi Barker

So, MotherJones.com, that bastion of political objectivity, has released a clandestine recording of a private fundraiser for Mitt Romney. Fielding a question from one of his wealthy contributors Romney explained his campaign strategy, including a charming description of Barack Obama’s … Continue reading

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#TinfoilTuesday – Establishment Prepares for Civil War in 2016

Posted on by Wes

U.S. military officers are being told to plan to fight Americans… This is getting scary. There’s nothing “tinfoil” about this post. This isn’t a theory. They’re not even trying to hide it from us anymore. Establishmentarians are openly telegraphing to … Continue reading

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Freedom’s Phoenix e-Zine: People not Politics

Posted on by Davi Barker

I’m back in the Freedom’s Phoenix E-Zine. This time I’m talking about street activism in their July issue. Check it out.

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Why EVERY Special Interest Group There Is Should Support Sound Money (Except for Central Bankers, of course)

Posted on by Wes

Why does coercive, fiat, central banking still even exist? There’s absolutely no special interest group outside of the central bankers and their direct beneficiaries (an elite and powerful group, but definitely a minority of human beings on this planet) whose … Continue reading

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Fed News Friday – Who Owns The Federal Reserve?

Posted on by Wes

When I was at CPAC this February working Silver Circle’s booth, there was a healthy number of Occupy activists hanging out at the Metro stop across the street from the hotel throughout the weekend to protest the annual Conservative Political … Continue reading

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Taxes Prompt More Americans to Renounce Citizenship

Posted on by Wes

  Great article at CNBC. There’s even a comic book tie in: A year ago, in Action Comics, Superman declared plans to renounce his U.S. citizenship. “‘Truth, justice, and the American way’ — it’s not enough anymore,” the comic book … Continue reading

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You’re Now a Member of the OccupyTeaParty, Whether You Like it or Not

Posted on by Davi Barker

From the early days of the Occupy Movement I have been calling for Solidarity with the Tea Party, to just admit that the government is no longer a public servant but a mercenary, and to put down all these petty … Continue reading

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Solidarity: Can the Tea Party and Occupy Wall St find common cause?

Posted on by Davi Barker

Many libertarians will point out that the definition of “liberal” has changed. What used to be a philosophy of small government and economic freedom is now the hallmark busy-body regulations and central economic planning. To elucidate this distinction many call … Continue reading

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