Rebel of the Week!

June 25th, 2010

The Silver Circle “Rebel of the Week” is, obviously, un-General Stanley A. McChrystal, whose subversive comments in the June 22nd* Rolling Stone article, entitled “The Runaway General,” would get him benched by Obama two days later.

The article, written by freelance journalist, Michael Hastings, portrayed McChrystal like a hot-shot, young businessman muscling his way to the top of the food chain. In actuality, he is a general in the United States army and Commander of U.S. Forces Afghanistan (at least, he was before Wednesday), who forgot he was only the harp seal to Obama’s killer whale. Unfortunately for McChrystal, Obama’s elite position affords him access to Rolling Stone articles, among other things. And we thought it was a magazine for the people.
McChrystal has the rebel without a cause thing going on, but unfortunately he has a bit too much cause on his shoulders these days to make it cute. What he lacks in PR, though, McChrystal makes up for in wordplay. For example, McChrystal proudly dubs Joe Biden’s counterterrorism strategy in Afghanistan, “Chaos-istan.” Perhaps McChrystal can pursue a career as an eighth grade English teacher now that he’s not so tied up…
…Or maybe his potty mouth would not be the best example for thirteen-year-olds, or his troops. Hastings smatters the first half of the article (it’s primary objective to show just how American he is, apparently by asserting his distaste for French culture>bourgeois culture>culture altogether) with crudeness,

“The dinner comes with the position, sir,” says his chief of staff, Col. Charlie Flynn.

McChrystal turns sharply in his chair.

“Hey, Charlie,” he asks, “does this come with the position?”

McChrystal gives him the middle finger.

Phew! McChrystal’s bad attitude just whipped me into such a frenzy that I couldn’t stop myself from flipping him the birdy. Unfortunately, he didn’t see it because I didn’t enable my webcam and there were no reporters here to document it.
C’est tout pour maitenant, Monsieur McChrystal. Bonne chance, et à bientôt!
*(online, newsstands June 25th)

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