Aside From Money…The Benefits of Silver

August 20th, 2010

As we all debate the way our currency system should be run once we escape the centralized banking system, we must remember to include the alternate uses to some of the currency options suggested.

In the silver becomes the most stable form of money against the ever inflating dollar.  In our world today, you will hear the argument everywhere for a “return to the gold standard” or how our money needs to be backed up by precious metals.  Well along with the monetary value of precious metals, one metal in particular has some handy tricks for the trade.

Silver Bullion

Silver has held medicinal uses for centuries.  Contemporarily you will see silver promoted through alternative medicine.  I have collected some uses aside from money that silver can be used for:

  • Purify water
  • Kill algae or bacteria in your pool/hot tub
  • Silver nitrate can be used on compound fractures
  • Can be placed on cooking utensils to prevent the threat of food poisoning
  • Anti-bacterial for wounds
  • Colloidal silver is used in alternative medicine for anything from liver to intestinal problems (there is a debate over actual evidence here)
  • Studies are finding that silver may help prevent the spread of the AIDS virus (increases white blood cell count significantly)

To be fair I must share one of the most serious side effects of long term exposure to silver, specifically colloidal silver.  A disease called argyria can discolor your body permanently.

These examples stress the importance and the definition of what money is.  Take a second today to think of all the options you have with our paper money.  Aside from purchasing food among other living expenses, how else can this piece of currency be used?  If you are interested in learning more about how money comes about in use or the characteristics of real money, try out some Murray Rothbard.

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