Rebel of the Week: James U. Blanchard III

September 9th, 2010

We are going back in time a bit, however I find this story more relevant than most that are in the news this week. James Blanchard passed away in 1999 but has forever left a legacy in the precious metal world as well as with his close friends and colleagues.

After being injured in a car accident when he was 17 leaving him wheelchair bound for the rest of his life, he discovered…he had all the time in the world to read. Ayn Rand soon became the guide to his philosophical transformation from that point on.

Why he has been crowned with Rebel of the Week is for his boldness and loyalty to the people and their right to own gold. During Nixon’s 2nd inauguration he had a plane tow a sign above with “Legalize Gold” written across it. That is absolutely genius if you ask me.

Another tactic Blanchard executed was taunting federal officials to arrest him while he carried a, then illegal, 2 ounce gold bar with him in his wheelchair.  He was holding a press conference where the US Treasury could have persecuted him, yet that never happened.  To say the least he proved a point.

After Ford brought gold back to a legal status, Blanchard began holding gold investment conferences in New Orleans that grew exponentially popular with investors across the country.   Ron Paul at the conference in 2009 reading an excerpt from Blanchard’s first ever gold newsletter from the 70′s.

One can only hope that his form of activism lifts the bar to another level.  Being creative with your approach to fighting for what is right and waging an intelligent war against the state can increase your odds.  James U. Blanchard is someone we can learn something from.

To hear some more funny and clever stories about Blanchard’s activism, check out these stories from a close friend of Jim’s.

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!