Rebel of the Week: Adam (Kokesh) vs. the Man!

April 13th, 2011

Adam Kokesh, orator and activist with the Iraq Veterans Against the War, ran for a New Mexico house seat last cycle as a Ron Paul Republican. After he failed to win the his party’s nomination I wondered what he would end up doing. If you’ve ever seen him speak he’s incredibly articulate and can give some of the meanest stump speeches you’ve ever seen. There is a picture, included at the bottom of this post, of him giving an impassioned rally speech, which immediately comes to my mind whenever someone mentions him.  So it was no surprise to me when he ended up hosting a daily radio show last July called Adam vs. the Man.

Apparently he received an offer from Russia Today to bring his radio show of same name to the small screen.  You can on Stefan Molyneux’s YouTube channel, who was his first guest ever and whom will be frequently offering his political analysis for the show.

It is fantastic to see such radical libertarians be given a sympathetic and honest venue to spread their ideas on television.  Once when I was a guest on The R3volution Continues with Jet Lacey Adam called in to talk about opportunities for libertarian students to put their ideas into practice.  He stated that while he “agreed with the voluntaryist ideal” he thought that political action was the best way to spread libertarianism.

Now, John Stossel (whom he asked in this show if he was “aware that his mustache makes him look like an 80s porn star”) and Judge Andrew Napolitano both generally do a great job and can have their radical moments (especially the judge), but it appears that Adam is going that extra overt step for freedom.  How refreshing it is to see these ideas becoming increasingly mainstream and welcomed on television!

My favorite moment of the inaugural show was his calling out of our corporate media pundits, specifically when he declared, “Sean Hannity, your definition of freedom is so sick and twisted that Thomas Jefferson would be offended.”  I’m pretty sure I guffawed in amusement.  Sean’s going to need some aloe vera for that Kokeshian burn.

Let’s hope that Adam Kokesh continues to grow into his new role on television and has much success spreading the voluntaryist ideal worldwide.  For his dedication to the libertarian cause and his ever-growing media presence we’re awarding him the much-coveted title of Silver Underground Rebel of the Week.  You deserve it, Adam.  Take it to the man!

About the Author: Ross Kenyon

Ross Kenyon is a Center for a Stateless Society Research Assistant currently living and studying in Istanbul, Turkey. He was a member of the Arizona State University Students For Liberty leadership team, and has recently started his own organization, Mutual Aid on the High Seas, devoted to sailing to impoverished communities in the Caribbean, performing humanitarian aid and promoting dialogue about liberty as an emancipatory philosophy for working people. On top of all of that, Ross will be joining us on Silver Underground as a contributor. Subscribe and follow his clever jabs and thoughtful reviews on news!