Rebel of the Week: Bradford Peterson

November 16th, 2011

A sad day has fell upon the liberty community as we lost a wonderful person whose dedication served his campus and community greatly. Bradford Peterson was a great friend to many in the liberty movement. He was attending Temple University and sat as the President of the Student Libertarian group on campus as well as a campus coordinator for Students for Liberty, staying involved in the wave of student activism that sparked up over the past few years. His hopes were to transfer to Cornell in the Spring.

As I read more about his activities in his early childhood and high school life, I found it safe to say that his potential was to the moon and back. He held various awards in jazz music performance, a stellar GPA throughout his student career, and also pushed to spread the message of liberty through his personal and professional relationships.

Bradford Peterson will be honored this week as our Rebel of the Week for his constant fight against the Federal Reserve and other disastrous woes in our country.

His effective activism never went unnoticed:

“When I left Temple University to transfer to GW after my freshman year, I was uncertain about the future of the Temple Libertarians. The following year, I reunited with my Temple buddies at the 3rd International Students For Liberty Conference. To my surprise the group was much stronger than it was when I left, thanks to a young freshman I had yet to meet, Brad Peterson. When I met Brad, I could tell how passionate he was and I was so thankful that the Temple Libertarians found someone that could step up and carry the group further than I ever could. Over the next couple of years, I got to know Brad a bit better, and I can honestly say that there are very few who could match his level of enthusiasm and passion. Although I didn’t know Brad extremely well, I considered him a friend and will never forget his leadership and the impact he had on both myself and those around him.” – Dennis Craig

If only his kind demeanor could have touched more lives. To help his hard work and passion live on, think of him the next time you are attempting to educate someone on the Fed or other liberty-minded issues. Choose a patient, modest approach and remember the strongest way to convince someone is through your own personal lifestyle. Thank you Bradford for choosing to stand up for liberty during your time with us. You will not be forgotten and your voice will continue on with the thousands of student activists across the country.

You will be an honorary Rebel at Silver Circle forever.

Don’t forget to visit our official website for Silver Circle:

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!