Tag Archives: commentary

A Closer Look at Bullion Coins

Posted on by Wes

In last week’s Money Monday feature, I shared my first experience buying gold and silver bullion coins for the purpose of protecting my savings from inflation and the risk of a major run on the global banking system, which many … Continue reading

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Pop Friday: Andy Griffith vs. The Patriot Act

Posted on by Wes

One of America’s most beloved entertainers, Andy Griffith, died earlier this week on Tuesday morning at the age of 86. Funny, moving, charming, a great singer, and with a persona as American as apple pie, his leading role as Sheriff … Continue reading

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George Washington, Zombie Hunter and Other Epic Comics of US Presidents by Jason Heuser (SharpWriter)

Posted on by Wes

So I’m trying to decide if the following, totally awesome comic illustrations of US presidents and other historical figures as superheros along the vein of Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter are just one more tasteless artifact of this country’s slavish and … Continue reading

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#TinfoilTuesday – There’s Nothing Tinfoil About Agenda 21

Posted on by Wes

There’s nothing tinfoil about the Agenda 21 conspiracy, and it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s a conspiracy fact. This is happening. As a matter record. Out in the public. For all to see. They’re just brazenly, unabashedly going forward with … Continue reading

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Money Monday – My Experience Buying Gold and Silver Bullion Coins Last Week

Posted on by Wes

Suiting action to words last week, I finally made a trip to a local coin store in my city to start my run on the global fiat banking system by letting their bad money drive the good money (gold and … Continue reading

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This Is Your Brain On Government: DEA Agent Won’t Say If Heroin Is Worse For Someone’s Health Than Marijuana

Posted on by Wes

This is absolutely priceless. Following a string of federal scandals involving the Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA Administrator Michele Leonhart attended a DEA Oversight Judiciary Subcommittee hearing to testify before Congress. In the video below, during a frank exchange with Rep. … Continue reading

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#TinfoilTuesday – Fast and Furious might have been a political operation to push for gun control

Posted on by Wes

Sunday on This Week, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) had a conspiracy theory to share. He told Jake Tapper that he thinks the botched “Fast and Furious” Operation (which he is investigating as House Oversight chair) could have been a politically-motivated … Continue reading

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Obtuse Award: Congress Debates Baseball More Than It Debated The Iraq War; Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens Have Been Federally Prosecuted For Perjury Longer Than Any Bank After The Financial Collapse!

Posted on by Wes

A couple days ago, a Reddit commenter made the front page with the revealing observation that baseball has had more debate in the US Senate than the Iraq War, and that Major League Baseball Players, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens … Continue reading

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Rebel of the Week: George Holliday, The Man Who Filmed The Rodney King Beating

Posted on by Wes

In case you haven’t read the Silver Underground before, a little something about us: We don’t like police brutality. Like we really, really don’t like it. Back a few months ago when I was on my laptop watching police departments … Continue reading

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#TinfoilTuesday – Insect Drones, UFOs, and Dead Cat Drones

Posted on by Wes

So we already know that the US military admits to doing research into very small, insect-sized drones that move, and look, and act like insects, but are in fact, remote-controlled surveillance drones. (Or, who knows? It wouldn’t be hard to … Continue reading

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