Rebel of the Week: Devon Minnema

July 14th, 2010

Fox News recently hosted a younger than usual activist from California who surprised everyone when he noted his #1 issue as:

“I’d like to see an end to our Federal Reserve, our central banking system.”

Devon Minnema is a tea-party activist and young leader of Young Americans for Liberty. (and now an honorary Rebel of Silver Circle!) After Devon’s comments on the fiat monetary system in America you can tell the host was taken back a bit by how well he articulated his position:
Some people may say that at this age no one can stand for what they believe in because they do not yet understand the world around them. I know at that age most of my beliefs were molded from my parents and extended family. In Devon’s case, I felt the sincerity in his speech and believe he is a principled young man that actually took the time to seek out the answers to his concerns. I hope he influences more of his peers to do the same.
Congrats Devon on becoming Silver Circle’s Rebel of the Week!

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