My (Megan’s) Endorsement of the Upcoming Porcupine Freedom Festival

May 14th, 2012

We’ve talked about it 100 times on the blog, but today I’d like to give some detailed information about this event in Lancaster, NH to not only inform, but possibly persuade some of you on the fence to attend.

PorcFest is not only an event but a part of my life. Every summer I look forward to packing up the car and heading about 3.5 hours north of Boston to visit a place I’ll always consider my “ideal home away from home”. This will be my fourth year and I’ve only seen it get better. It’s a place to catch up with Facebook friends you never see in person, learn extensively about the free-market of not only products and finance, but also the free-market of ideas. This week-long gathering has helped me become a more educated and mature person in my walk towards a life of liberty. Here is what the organizers want you to know:

This year, the Porcupine Freedom Festival will be held on June 18-24, 2012 in Lancaster, NH.

Haven’t heard of the Porcupine Freedom Festival? How about “Porcfest”, as it’s lovingly called for short? If you have heard of this festival, you know that you are not going to want to miss it. If you haven’t heard of Porcfest, here’s why you will want to be there this year….and every year after. In fact, why not just move to NH to be a part of this year round community?

Each year Porcfest grows bigger and better than the last. This year is no exception. What should you expect at this year’s Porcfest? Here’s a few things to share about what 2012′s Porcupine Freedom Festival has in store.

This year they have returning guests such as Stefan Molyneux and Robert Murphy. They also will have some new guests who have had the word reach them about the awesomeness which is PorcFest and are excited to make their first appearances. Most recently announced Porcfest will be welcoming world infamous financial freedom fighter, Jeff Berwick, the editor of The Dollar Vigilante and host of Anarchast.  As well, best-selling and Prometheus award-winning author F. Paul Wilson join us the lineup, only a month after the release of his concluding novel in the Repairman Jack series. In addition to speaking on his experiences as a libertarian writer, F. Paul will be officiating the Flash Fiction Contest for PorcFest attendees.

For those who had enough of that learning stuff in school, there is also plenty of fun in store. Parties, kids activities and socializing in “meat space” are important parts of Porcfest. From musical guests to some really smashing parties, there will be something for people of all ages. At the end of the day you can wind down in the in the Think Twice Theater, which will be showing both classic liberty-themed films, as well as the as-yet-unreleased Silver Circle and Chartarum.

With all of this, we have not even scratched the surface of what PorcFest is really all about. The Porcupine Freedom Festival was established by the Free State Project to gather together New Hampshire natives, settlers, and prospective movers to see what this whole movement and life in the Granite State is really like. To that end, they have realtors and representatives from the various communities to answer your questions about where to settle down. There will be recruiting agents and business folk to talk to you about finding employment and they will have politicians to report on their efforts and explain how you can run for office. There will also be a variety of activists will be on site who will be more than happy to get you involved in all manner of efforts that are already going on today.

Now you may be asking yourself how we are able to pull off a week-long festival for the low price of $35 per person. The answer is that we cannot. It takes a number of sponsors such as Silver Circle,, Shire Society, and the Porcupine Realtor to make this thing happen.

So you may not be someone who has a reason to advertise to the attendees of PorcFest. That’s totally fine, because we have created the VIP (Very Important Porcupine) registration just for you. For the affordable additional contribution of $75, you can be recognized with some extra Porcupine love reserved only for VIPs.  Register today to help us make this event as awesome as possible.

PorcFest – Liberty in our Life… Now.

Contact Porcfest:

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Donations & Sponsorships - 

It’s important to note that Silver Circle is going to have some awesome events going on all through the week. Our rough-cut screening of the film on Thursday at 8pm, the Zoe Taylor Award, and our roundtable discussion with Stefan Molyneux will surely keep us busy! Please post on our if you’d like to promote your event some more, we’d love to help out our fellow porcupines in anyway we can!

My full endorsement goes to this event and all of its wonderful-ness. Every year I learn more about economics, civil liberties, and localizing a community of liberty from the Porcupine Freedom Festival and no one-person or government could ever take this knowledge away from me – no matter how long I was indoctrinated in public schools…


About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!