Coin Matching Contest: Win a .10 oz. Rebel Round

July 10th, 2012

So… you think you know your silver rounds? Well here’s your chance to prove it. All ten of the silver rounds pictured above were minted in the US by non government organizations. For a chance to win a Silver Circle .10 oz. Rebel Round click ahead to the contest details and show us what you got.

This might be more difficult than you thought. Here’s the game. Match as many of the silver round fronts (1-10) to their correct backs (A-J). Also, identify the organization that makes each of them. Some are easier than others.

Send in your answers to . Do not, I repeat DO NOT put your answers in the comments section. I won’t accept it. And it’s not in your best interest anyway because you’d just be giving answers to your competition.

The first person to get all 10 wins, but if no one gets a perfect score we’ll give it to the person with the highest score. One point for each correctly matched round, and one point for each correctly identified organization for a total of 20 possible points.

We’ll announce the winner Friday at the end of Precious Metals Week.

And don’t forget to visit our official website to learn more about the Silver Circle Movie:


About the Author: Davi Barker

In grade school Davi refused to recite the pledge of allegiance because he didn't understand what it meant. He was ordered to do as he was told. In college he spent hours scouring through the congressional record trying to understand this strange machine. That's where he discovered Dr. Ron Paul. In 2007 he joined the End The Fed movement and found a political home with the libertarians. The Declaration of Independence claims that the government derives its power “from the consent of the governed." He does not consent.