What Would Zoe Do? Holidays and New Year’s Resolutions

December 31st, 2010

My name is Zoe, and I’m what you might call a rebel — against the state, that is! I hope that you have checked out the  to my upcoming movie Silver Circle, in which I am in the starring role! I am here to offer my advice and to answer your questions related to freedom fighting on a weekly basis. Please submit your questions to !

I apologize for taking last week off for the holidays, but we all need a break!  I hope you had a good one and enjoyed some time off!  And now some holiday and new year-related advice!  Have a great new year!

Dear Zoe,
During the holiday season, my family seems to be everywhere. I get so aggravated listening to them talk about news on the mainstream media, they seem so disillusioned with this fabricated news and don’t see this financial turmoil that is right under our noses. Have any pointers on how to reel them into a conversation about economics and foreign policy without spoiling the evening for everyone? Grandma’s homemade sweaters are bad enough.

- Need the Holiday Spirit

Need the Holiday Spirit,
It can be really tough to bring up such difficult topics all while smiling and enjoying your holiday ham — but I can think of a few good ways to bring it up without being too dry.

Remember to keep it simple and bring up topics that everyone can relate to easily without research.  For example, while shopping you can bring up how the prices are starting to rise due to inflation.  When a relative asks you about what you’re studying in school, even if you’re a science major, bring up something about economics.  Once you get your foot in the door and they see your passion about the subject, no one would probably discourage you from speaking your mind.  You can even offer (as a gift, of course) to subscribe them to a reliable news source through email that supports your beliefs.

Offer your help, too, which sounds strange, but it possible concerning economics.  Too many fall into the trap of going into debt and make poor investment decisions.  Off your advice on precious metals, sound money, ways to avoid inflation and savings — they’ll eat it all up!  Offer solutions!

And hey, you could always ask for silver for a holiday present!  When they ask why you would want that . . . well, there you go!


Dear Zoe,
How do I keep my New Year’s Resolution?
- Can’t Fail

Can’t Fail,
As long as you believe you can do it, you can!

First, make sure your goal is realistic.  None of that “I want to lose 50 pounds in one week” nonsense!  After you have a realistic goal, remember not to overwork yourself when sticking to a resolution, but work hard!  Set deadlines and make sure to keep them — if you don’t, you’ll fall behind and playing catch up is hard work.  Take breaks, but stay strong and keep your mind on your goal.  It’ll be no time until you reach it!

A great way to reach your goal is to have a visual of the results.  Post a picture somewhere that you’ll see everyday and you’ll constantly have victory in mind!

One of my past New Year’s Resolutions that I’d like to recommend to you is to use a lot less paper currency and educate yourself on the benefits of barter and precious metal trade.  It has its benefits — for example, silver has gone up about ten dollars an ounce in the past year!  Try going off the grid, it’s a challenge, but well worth it (trust me).


Thank you for your questions this week!  Remember to  with some more for next time!

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