Rebel of the Week: Random Attendee Who Called Cheney a War Criminal at CPAC

February 16th, 2011

Rebels aren’t generally the most polite people.  They make their mark by breaking the rules and accepting the consequences of their “bad” behavior.  When one sees someone who has been responsible for the deaths of many innocent people through an immoral and unconstitutional war presenting the incredibly ironic “Defender of the Constitution” award to a fellow criminal any sane person should rise up opposing and delegitimizing the insanity.  And that is just what our anonymous Rebel of the Week did at CPAC this last weekend.

He did not permit such an absurdity to continue unabated with the benefit of the veil of legitimacy.  Calling the award and speaker out as a ridiculous Orwellian charade of unacceptable proportions was a heroic act, even if somewhat uncouth, and for that he has earned his own Silver Underground opus.

Respect should be reserved for people who deserve respect.  One time yours truly saw a debate at Arizona State University between Karl Rove and Howard Dean.  It was a thoroughly unexciting romp through everything Paulestinians find to be distasteful about our duopolistic political landscape.  They “debated” over minutia but agreed upon all of the largest and most ridiculous aspects of American policy foreign and domestic.

After the event ended I went behind the venue, Gammage Auditorium, to retrieve my locked bicycle and who should I discover but Genius Boy himself waiting for his limousine with a bodyguard.  He was on the phone but I asked him if we could speak for a moment. He give me the just-a-minute finger, finished his conversation and addressed me.

I asked him if he thought it was legitimate to force me to pay for my own protection at gunpoint, referencing the idea that the state’s coercive monopoly is given the sole ability to provide protection services to individuals within that state’s arbitrary boundaries.  If one tries to refuse payment for the unwanted services one will definitely need protection because now they are sending armed men (police officers) after you.

His response was that national defense is one of the things that the Constitution authorizes the American state to do. My retort was an inquiry as to why a really old piece of paper makes it okay to rob me?

“Well, there are things the state does that I don’t like either,” he Roved.

My final appeal: “Yes, but there is a better way!”

And so he slithered off into his limo to wherever the political elite in Phoenix congregate to laugh about their collective dirty deeds.

I know, pics or it didn’t happen, but its true. Scout’s honor.

So it isn’t so much a question of being polite or not. In my situation I was able to be courteous and get a few hard pointed questions off to Karl Rove in a very intimate setting.  For our dear friend at CPAC all he was able to do was loudly shout “war criminal” and a couple other phrases. In both cases maybe we made our antagonists think more about their actions and what they were responsible for, or maybe at the very least annoyed them.  Maybe maybe not, but at least we didn’t sit idly by while evildoers were shown deep respect by those at CPAC or the debate whom did not mind the crimes which are committed in their name.

So thank you, nameless Rebel of the Week.  Your brass and impolite welcoming of Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld should be a small thorn in the side of their evil showing that we do not support their actions!  You snarky bastard; we salute thee!

(See the ridiculous response which showcases so much that is wrong with the American conservative movement at FoxNews at this link.)

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