If the Media Won’t Cover it the Bloggers Will

September 29th, 2011

It’s long since known that the media has completely lost touch with humanity, and that’s to say it was ever once connected at all. Instead of talking about the thousands protesting corruption in our nation’s financial sector, in an attempt to gather more citizen support, not even one ‘top story’ spot could be saved in online news for them…nope they’d rather tell you about and what kind of music John Huntsman likes (mind you the news about the deadly cantaloupes should be there!)

One Wall St. protestor mentioned a direct correlation between the #Occupy protests and the Tea Party protests, both of which had similar motives and goals, but were directed towards different sectors: Private vs. Public (which is debatable). Like the Tea Party, the #OccupyWallStreet agenda is somewhat unclear, most likely because of the decentralization of its protestors; those of which are coming from all different walks of life and schools of thought. What everyone seems to want is less money in the hands of people in control and more in their own.

The Tea Party existed before the media created a monster out of it. There were days when the media was begged to show up at state capitals and sign waver’s events to cover the dissent upon the spending habits of Congress, and nothing was said. Then something happened…the boom of Facebook and Twitter users happened. I’m not saying this is when the social media applications peaked…but a moment came where social media started to drive the daily news on the Tea Party just like the trusted websites of CNN, Fox, and MSNBC. Then they started listening…and soon found out they would make tons of money off of the coverage, so news stations around the country started showing up.

I can even remember back in 2007-2008 as the elections were warming up, the father of the Tea Party, Ron Paul raised $6.4 million in 24 hours partly due to the swift movement of fundraising across the internet. And even then #RonPaulMoneyBomb wasn’t even trending on Twitter, like #OccupyWallStreet has.

If the dissenting protests against Wall St. continue and the momentum builds, I think the media will be there in zero seconds flat, but is that really what people want? From my opinion, as a tea partier in its early stages, the media ruined the movement and highlighted the root of the tea party movement as something it was not…this is when I exited. According to a journalist on the front lines of #OccupyWallStreet, the media has given an unfair, broad stroke when covering the kinds of participants in the NYC protests. What makes you think if the media covers the event, they will cover it fairly?

I understand the importance of getting the message out about the event through large media sources, however it could work against the cause like it has for many campaigns in the past. If you weren’t messing with the richest corporations that are seemingly in bed with Congress and K St., I would encourage more pressure on the media…but in this case, there’s a fat chance they will paint the picture you see.

Use the tools you have FREE at your disposal: Facebook, Ustream.tv, Twitter, YouTube, cell phone cameras, and most importantly your own personal network. Share your stories with bloggers and create the news yourself as the witness. We are entering into an age that doesn’t require CNN to tell you all about the world. Even the generations that are entering the scene no longer use the conventional newspapers and channels to find their news…they find it on the web.

No matter what, your story is getting covered because if the media doesn’t cover it, the bloggers will.

About the Author: megan

Megan is the Marketing Manager for Silver Circle who spends endless amounts of time on making sure the word gets out about this film and graphic novel! As a liberty activist since '08 she also has gained a passion for advancing liberty in her personal life and helping others to do the same. Questions about getting involved with the film, events, liberty, and hip-hop can go straight to her!