‘Silver Circle’ NYC Premiere Week Starts Today, Peter Schiff Guest Hosts
March 22nd, 2013At long last, Silver Circle has arrived. As we speak, a week’s worth of showings are underway at Cinema Village in New York City, and the team is gearing up for tonight’s . To celebrate the occasion, tonight’s 7:10 PM showing will feature a post-screening Q&A with special guest Peter Schiff and Silver Circle director Pasha Roberts. Peter Schiff will also be introducing the 9:15 PM showing this evening.
Tomorrow night, another special event will be taking place. After the 7:10 PM showing on March 23rd, a “Real Life Rebel” panel will be taking questions from audience members. This panel includes Bob Bowdon, director of The Cartel, Gigi Bowman of LibertyCandidates.com, Danny Panzella from Truth TV, and Silver Circle director Pasha Roberts. Let’s talk more about Silver Circle‘s NYC premiere, Ron Paul endorsement, and New York Times review after the jump.
Screenings to Continue All Week
For those who can’t make the special events this weekend, have no fear! From March 22nd through March 28th, Silver Circle will continue to run at Cinema Village at 1:00 PM, 3:00 PM, 7:10 PM, and 9:15 PM on each day. Tickets can be acquired at this link. Cinema Village is located at 22 East 12th Street, New York, NY 10003.
Following tonight’s showings, the Silver Circle team and attendees alike will convene at Webster Hall for a post-premiere party. It begins at 10 PM. Webster Hall is located at 125 East 11th Street, near Cinema Village.
The Buzz Is Building
Yesterday, we received word that US Congressman and libertarian icon Ron Paul has officially endorsed Silver Circle. In a statement about the film, the Champion of the Constitution said, “Using popular culture to spread our message is key to the long-term victory of our rEVOLUtion, as movies like Silver Circle enable us to reach audiences who otherwise might not be exposed to the ideas of liberty.” We can’t possibly think of words that would adequately describe our gratitude to Dr Paul, not only for the endorsement, but also for changing the course of history.
Meanwhile, the New York Times has taken notice of the film with a review entitled Apocalypse Fed. Reviews have also come in from a variety of other media outlets. The Silver Circle buzz grows stronger with each passing day!
Thanks to the New York Rebel Crew for helping us spread the word about the premiere. Today represents an important milestone in what has been and continues to be a long journey for the Silver Circle team. We’re excited, not only for this week’s NYC premiere, but also for all the other premieres and showings that we’ll be announcing across the United States going forward.
Find out where you can see Silver Circle by checking our theater and special screening schedule on -->our event page -->. Also, don’t miss our New York City premiere event followed by a Q&A featuring Peter Schiff.